What You Need to Know:
- Previously we showed you in the games ranking chart that Dead or Alive 3 debuted at #4 for the week it came out, and it sold over 37,000 copies which is a "so-so" debut. Not necessarily bad, but not remotely good either.
- In game, you are able to purchase items using real money. (Tl;dr DLC) You need special tickets to purchase things such as bathing suits. These tickets cost ¥50 (About 46 cents) per ticket. Well, someone did the math and realized that in order to get 9 bathing suits for the 9 characters in game, one would have to spend over ¥64800 ($595.78) to get them all!
- For a game that costs a fraction of that price, it seems like quite the ripoff. To add insult to injury, the items are all on a limited timeframe, so they will soon no longer be purchaseable! This puts more pressure on the players to shell out the cash for the game.
- As if things could not get worse, because you have to "gift" these itmes to the girls in game, they can refuse it. If they refuse it, you have to BUY another in-game item called "wrapping paper" before you can give it to her again!! Naturally, Japanese users have plenty to say on the matter.
The bathing suit in question:

A character being offered and refusing said bathing suit:

A character being offered and refusing said bathing suit:

Source: My Game News Flash
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I refuse to buy games like this where everything is an illusion.
I don't play games where you have to do this kind of b.s. but this is a time where you should get mad.
What is the problem here? If they want to buy it, let them buy it!
Why do you need to buy all 9 colors to make a complete set??? Idiots...
She can refuse the gift?!? What is the point! It's a complete gamble.

Honey-chan, get daddy his Evangelion credit card. Daddy has some shopping to do.

First of all, I'm not your daughter bee-kun. Second, I agree that this is a time to get mad. They are bleeding the fans dry!
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