ALICE or ALICE Simulcasting on HIDIVE! Things Just got Extra Sweeter!

Alice-or-Alice-Sentai-560x363 ALICE or ALICE Simulcasting on HIDIVE! Things Just got Extra Sweeter!

What You Need to Know:

  • The Spring 2018 simulcast line-up is receiving a double dose of cuteness with HIDIVE’s newest acquisition, ALICE or ALICE, for North America, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Spain, and Portugal starting Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 15:30 UTC!
  • What happens when a big brother idolizes his little twin sisters? All sorts of mischief that’s what! Meet Rise and Airi, twin sisters who love to hang out with their friends, go to cute pastry shops and annoy their big brother. Watch as these adorable pint-size girls learn to navigate through life while making sure their brother doesn’t go too over the top.

Source: Official Press Release

Alice-or-Alice-Sentai-560x363 ALICE or ALICE Simulcasting on HIDIVE! Things Just got Extra Sweeter!
Oh nice, seems like HIDIVE are really stepping up their game!
Alice-or-Alice-Sentai-560x363 ALICE or ALICE Simulcasting on HIDIVE! Things Just got Extra Sweeter!
Yeah for sure! They're reaching out to a wider audience now with all the latest acquisitions!