What You Need to Know:
- In ANiUTa’s 3rd interview with Asaka titled “The World of Anime Music is a Welcoming One”, Asaka laughs while stating that she was an otaku before her debut as a singer, and that after moving to Tokyo, she was excited about how her network of artist friends grew.
- Her next single is the OP theme of drama and sci-fi anime series Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO (English: YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world) that starts airing TODAY!
- For more on ANiUTa and its music service, be sure to visit the official Twitter and Facebook pages.
- If you still haven't downloaded the popular app, then we highly recommend you should! It's available now for iOS and Android platforms!
“My mentors treated me well, and I made more friends my age. It started when I told Michi I was moving to Tokyo. She told me in her own Okinawan way, ‘Being by yourself is lonely, so I’ll help you make some friends,’ and then she set up a meal with Shiena Nishizawa, Tomoyo Kurosawa, and Konomi Suzuki. Konomi and I work for the same label, so I’d of course talked to her before, but thanks to this ‘Michi Meetup,’ I got to know her better. I got along with everyone she introduced me to! Yurika is another artist I’m super close to. I’m really happy I have these connections with other anime music artists.”