Are Flat Chests on the Decline?! [2014 Survey]

flat-chest-railgun-500x281 Are Flat Chests on the Decline?! [2014 Survey]

What You Need to Know:

  • On the Japanese variety program, Monday Late Show, aired on September 7th, there was a segment discussing the 'fact' that as of 2014, only roughly 5 out of every 100 girls has an A-cup chest.
  • Since the episode aired, the Twitter-verse has been alight with reactions to the controversial news.
  • According to data courtesy of Triumph International, in the 1980s, roughly 58.6% of women had A-cup chests. Compare that to the 5.3% in 2014, and it's a pretty startling trend (though Triumph is an underwear and lingerie company, so there may be some bias involved).
  • See the bust size breakdown below:
2014 Bust Size Data Courtesy of Triumph International:

A-Cup - 5.3%
B-Cup - 20.5%
C-Cup - 26.3%
D-Cup - 24.1%
E-Cup - 16.2%
F-Cup - 6.0%

Some reactions from Twitter:

"A-Cups have become an endangered species."

"I had no idea A-cups were so rare..."

"You'd better cherish me everyone!"

"There's an A-cup right here guys!"

"But what was the cause? Is there just that much food around now?"

"A-cups are at 5%... What a sad world..."

Source: Niconico News

flat-chest-railgun-500x281 Are Flat Chests on the Decline?! [2014 Survey]
This data seems suspicious... There's no way it can be true!
flat-chest-railgun-500x281 Are Flat Chests on the Decline?! [2014 Survey]
I think we're going to hear a lot from the supposed 5%...

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