Anime has been a big part of my life since before I actually recognized it as anime. Like many other American fans, I was first exposed to anime on cable ...
ReadmoreFor many gamers, the Nintendo 64 (or N64) was their first glimpse at 3D gaming. The third major console released by Nintendo, the N64 hit store shelves ...
ReadmoreKonohana Kitan is the story of kitsune (fox) girl Yuzu, an energetic young newcomer to the staff of Konohanatei, a traditional Japanese style hot springs ...
ReadmoreIt is estimated that between 70 and 95 percent of the world's population is right-handed. Historically, many cultures have had a bias against lefties fo...
ReadmoreAnime has been around for over 100 years and, as an artform, has matured and expanded into a wide variety of genres, each with their own established style...
ReadmoreHouseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous) Mineral: Sulfide, Formula: HgS, Color: Red, Hardness: 2 Episodes: 12 Genre: Fantasy, Action, Seinen Airing Date: Oct. 2...
ReadmoreFor those that enjoy their yuri with a hearty helping of bears (the animal variety mind you), guns, and some surreal symbolism, ...
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