©2021 あっと・KADOKAWA刊/旭丘分校管理組合三期
What You Need to Know:
- Crunchyroll shared a trailer today for the third season of Non Non Biyori, Non Non Biyori Nonstop! which begins airing in Japan on January 10th and in subsequent days on other platforms.
- In the trailer we see the girls continue to be adorable and Renge being Renge, making everyone work together to keep the tomato plants warm. Check the trailer out below!
- The manga for Non Non Biyori, written by Atto, began in 2009 and it received an anime adaptation in 2013, has now three seasons and one movie as well.
- It is a calm, iyashikei slice of life anime that takes place on the countryside and follows the cute lives of cute girls doing cute things.
- Learn more about Non Non Biyori Nonstop! on our anime chart page!
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Non Non Biyori Nonstop!
Source: Crunchyroll

Few things are as relaxing as these coutryside cuties!

They really make me want to live there!