What You Need to Know:
- It has been announced that the side story to Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, aka DanMachi or Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon? will be getting an anime adaptation sometime in the future!
- Titled Sword Oratoria, the original Light Novel follows 'Sword Princess' Ais Wallenstein and her adventures with the Loki Familia. It also has an English translation in the works set to be published this year.
- Not much is known about the anime as of yet, but we'll keep you updated!

Source: Official Website
Reactions Around the Web
Ahh I want to see this!
Never mind this, make season 2 of the main story
I actually prefer Oratoria so I'm happy!
Are they making this one into an anime because it's selling better?
I love Ais, this may be the happiest I've ever been(*´д`*)

DanMachi did really well so I don't see why this wouldn't! Ais is super cute, after all...

Opinions seem to be divided amongst Japanese fans, but I wonder what our readers think?
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