- System: Nintendo Switch
- Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
- Developer:Media.Vision
- Release Date: October 18, 2019
- Pricing:$49.99
- Rating: T for Teen
- Genre: RPG
- Players: 1-2 (Online Multiplayer)
- Official Website: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth-complete-edition-switch/
Who it Caters to

The two struck a chord with many fans and for a long time, many thought Digimon would soon fall to the wayside, while Pokémon continued to overshadow the series due to its mammoth popularity. However, the beauty about Digimon is that many of the characters felt real, and fans felt that the series provided a more organic emotional experience. Fast forward to today and both franchises still continue to thrive, with Digimon expanding its narrative and giving fans more to offer with regards to Digimon selection, new characters, and new paths to discover.
So this brings us to Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Complete Edition, the title that brings both worlds together for new and old players to enjoy. Those who have dabbled with Cyber Sleuth but haven’t played Hacker’s Memory can now do so in one package, and entirely new players have the best of both worlds!
What to Expect

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker’s Memory is the sequel to Cyber Sleuth, which released back in 2015 and places more emphasis on creating a new narrative, while still sharing locations and elements from the original that made it shine. Players looking to uncover new types of Digimon will be pleased to know that Hacker’s Memory expands upon the current roster of Digimon, encouraging players to do more collecting. The battle system is still turn-based while the exploration portion still remains linear in its design. With a fresh new story to be told, and more secrets to discover, is Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Complete Edition the game fans have been waiting for? Keep reading to find out!


Sound, Music


The way in which you can utilize multiple Digimon on the fly is awesome, and as you progress through the game you can increase your party size via Party Memory chips. This in a way, creates a unique challenge early on in the game since you’re quite limited to how many Digimon you can carry, so it encourages you to be mindful of your strategy when engaging in battles. Now of course this can be seen as a negative for some players, since having a limited party can create some problems if you aren’t careful, but also limits the amount of variety in terms of counter play and safety precautions.
Early in the game you start off with 20, with each increment of your memory increasing by 5 over time. In most cases you can carry around 4 depending on how much memory your Digimon takes up, but as mentioned before you’ll be able to carry more later.
The game pushes you to be critical of your selection and not just going after your favorite Digimon to fill the void, since it may not always work in your favor. Another thing to be mindful of aren’t just attributes but also affinities and so now it’s not just about Vaccine versus Virus, but now players must take into consideration the various elements. This of course is a quintessential aspect of RPGs and so it makes sense to incorporate into the Digimon world, and it does an excellent job of doing so.

Honey's Gameplay Consensus:
Honey's Pros:
- Great stories in both titles, with each showing you a different side of the EDEN universe.
- Fantastic gameplay and diversity among Digimon
- Being able to compete with other players online is actually quite cool, and you can really test your skills at any time.
- The Digifarm mechanic is a nice way to level up your Digimon who aren't able to join your party, or just need a bit more strength.
Honey's Cons:
- Please allow players to use the camera options more. Not being able to turn the camera in any direction was annoying at times.
- Improving on the music would certainly help to bring the game to life more.
- Animations could use a little more fine tuning but nothing too crazy.
- Leveling up at times did feel a bit easy so hopefully in new versios, this can be altered to create more challenge/depth.
Honey's Final Verdict:
Until next time!
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