Dino Slice of Life Anime "Dinosaur Biyori" Coming this Spring

Dinosaur Biyori

Slice of Life

Airing Date:
Spring 2021


Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


In one room of the apartment complex named "Daina-Sou" (Dino Manor), 3 utterly different dinosaurs—Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, and Stenonychosaurus—have started a community life.
They work part-time jobs, go to hot springs, eat sweets...
Of course, they sometimes have arguments, but their happy life continues... or that's what they thought.

However, one day, the forecast that "a meteorite will hit the Earth" suddenly reaches the dinosaurs!!
Watch the surreal life of these cute dinosaurs!

Characters & Voice Actors

Dinosaur-Biyori-KV Dino Slice of Life Anime "Dinosaur Biyori" Coming this Spring
Tyrannosaurus: Yutaka Matsushige

The strongest carnivore dinosaur. He loves sweety things and meat. He is not good at doing something requiring long arm.
Dinosaur-Biyori-KV Dino Slice of Life Anime "Dinosaur Biyori" Coming this Spring
Triceratops: Youji Tanaka

Herbivore dinosaur having three horns. He can sleep soon whenever. He is not good at reading the atmosphere.
Dinosaur-Biyori-KV Dino Slice of Life Anime "Dinosaur Biyori" Coming this Spring
Stenonychosaurus: Eiji Kotouge

A dinosaur having relatively big brain. He loves someone who praises him and is not good at vigorous exercise.

Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: ”Aisouze!" by CHAI
Main Staff
  • Director: Akifumi Nonaka
  • Script: Tooru Hosokawa
  • Character Design: Usagi Men
  • Music: CHI-MEY

For more information: Official Website, Twitter

(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)

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