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![Gma-eboy-color-clear-purple-433x500 Do You Have a Clear Purple Game Boy Color? We Have Some News For You... [Japanese Urban Legend]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Gma-eboy-color-clear-purple-433x500.jpg)
What You Need to Know:
- Japanese Urban Ledgends are always fascinating to read. Especailly if you find out that in some weird way, even though you don't live there, they apply to you!
- Oreteki Game posted an article responding to a Hot Topic on Twitter. Apparently there is a urban legend going around right now that says, if you have ever owned a clear purple gameboy color, then there is an extremely high chance that you will be a gross, giant otaku your entire life.
- apparently though, this urban legend has turned out to be true because thousands of Japanese otaku are tweeting about how they do or have owned said Game Boy Color model along with anime figurines and what not!
"I was reading all the tweets and then I went to go check my Game boy. I can't believe it!!!"
"I read twitter and didn't think I would be like that, but then I went and dug it out... well as you can see it's clear purple"
"*trembling voice* I-I-I bought the clear purple one because it's in the image of my future waifu... "
Source: Oreteki Game
Reactions Around the Web
Uwahahaha I bought pink!
I didn't like the clear colors and I don't now.
I had a clear purple one. I like the clear cases. They are cool.
I had a purple one too... lol
![Gma-eboy-color-clear-purple-433x500 Do You Have a Clear Purple Game Boy Color? We Have Some News For You... [Japanese Urban Legend]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bee-happy1.jpg)
I was an otaku way back when, and now I'm still one! I just have more waifu!
![Gma-eboy-color-clear-purple-433x500 Do You Have a Clear Purple Game Boy Color? We Have Some News For You... [Japanese Urban Legend]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/honey-shocked1.jpg)
M-m-mine was clear purple.... am I a gross otaku? No! I am a nice one!
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