"Tiger Mask comes back!!"
What You Need to Know:
- The famous TV series and comic "Tiger Mask" has been announced to be re-made and become a new TV-series.
- Tiger Mask is about a wrestler who was trained to become a villan wrestler, but as he was in a orphanage himself, he starts to fight for the orphanage that he used to go, and to betray 'Tora no Ana', the centre where they trained him to become a villan wrestler.
- This comic/anime was violently popular, creating lots of fans, especially how Tiger Mask fights for the orphanage and gave in everything made the fans deeply respect him.
Source: Akiba Souken
Reactions Around the Web
What's the bet that the new series is going to be comical?
I only now the basic story but haven't watched it... Good opportunity
I hope they don't change the story. This can't be changed to become any better.
I'm really loking forward for the return of the Great Zebra.
I'm sooooooooooooo happy! Is Liger going to be there as well?
Tiger Mask!!! My hero!!!
Tiger Mask is so popular there are people who donate products to orphanges with the name 'Naoto Date' (Tiger Mask's real name)
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