Game Info
- System: PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita
- Publisher: XSEED Games | Marvelous USA
- Developer: Marvelous
- Release Date: November 12, 2016 [JP] / January 17, 2017[NA] / January 20, 2016[EU]
- Pricing:$49.99 [Regular Edition] $69.99 [Noble Phantasm Edition] (DLC extra)
- Rating: T
- Genre: Action, Hack and Slash
- Players: Single Player
- Official Website: http://fateextella.com/
Who it Caters to
PS4/PS Vita「Fate/EXTELLA」アルトリアら3名のサーヴァントを紹介!領域支配権争奪戦などゲームシステムもチェック https://t.co/PK3gBn4rXk #FateEX pic.twitter.com/Qz4qaO4c8w
— Gamer (@GamerNeJp) June 6, 2016
It does a wonderful job of detailing each character and ensures that no elements are missing from the entire gameplay side of things. If you’re looking for an action packed ride filled with plenty of replay value tucked away in side missions, free battles and collecting all the trophies, then Fate/EXTELLA is most definitely for you.
What to Expect

With Marvelous Games really encouraging players to take advantage of new DLC content, there’s a lot more to actually look forward to and it makes playing feel more rewarding. You can choose from up to 16 servants, many of which you’ll need to unlock through playing the very fun story mode, and through completing story mode you’ll open up other arcs in the story with a different character. With a plethora of different items to choose from ranging from install skills to magic cores, you can craft them at any time to really strengthen your character in battle.
Fate/EXTELLA is flashy and electrifying to watch because everything is visually sharp and vivid, with every color popping out at you. Each story arc takes about roughly 4-5 hours depending on how fast you are, so in total, you’re looking at around 15-20 hours which is most certainly enough. Once you tie in the side story mode along with trying to collect trophies and special items, that number increases to around 30-40+. Whatever your plan of approach, Fate/EXTELLA manages to keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat for hours on end.
Fate/EXTELLA - The Umbral Star Announcement Trailer

Introduction - Story Mode

What’s truly awesome about Fate/EXTELLA’s gameplay is that it totally reminds us of the Dynasty Warriors series, where you essentially to take over territories as fast as possible, without letting your team die. It’s totally fast paced and at running at a full 60fps on PS4, it felt incredible to rush through each sector trying to fend off enemies, collect install skills and take out enemy servants who stand in your way.
The game does a stellar job of really hammering home all the details pertaining to how to play the game, with tutorials coming at you left right and center to ensure your experience is truly worthwhile.
Side Story Mode
【プレイ動画公開②】なお、ニコニコ動画でも参戦する各サーヴァントのアクションシーン動画を公開中です。ぜひご覧ください。⇒https://t.co/l1xmbFO5R2 #FateEX pic.twitter.com/yn4Db1T38C
— 【公式】Fate/EXTELLA (@FateEXTELLA) August 26, 2016
It’s great being able to take a servant into battle that normally wasn’t able to be used during the main story arc, so side story mode is perhaps where the real fun happens in Fate/EXTELLA. All of the perks that you received from the main story are still there, allowing you to power-up your servant with install skills which come in handy during hectic situations. You can certainly tell Marvelous Games and XSEED did a remarkable job on the localization, along with creating an incredibly beautiful game to look at while playing.
The variety of characters to choose from is splendid since you can always go back and try your hand at the game from different perspectives and play styles, so we encourage you to play through the game with your favorites.
Free Battle Mode
Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

It was truly disappointing and at times just horrible to even deal with, and we found ourselves sometimes just allowing the enemy to kill us so we could use our command seal to respawn out of the corner. Another major gripe is that while you can auto lock enemy servant bosses, you can’t lock onto aggressors or plants and it seriously became such a pain because the camera is already horrid enough, to begin with. We had to muster up enough patience to just get through the entire ordeal, but this is something we shouldn’t even have to deal with especially during the most integral section of the game.
In spite of there being options to alter the camera movements in the options menu, they simply didn’t help to ease the pain by any means and destroyed that very thrilling experience that we’re fond of.

Overall Fate/EXTELLA is one title you don’t want to sleep on if you’re an anime junkie like us, with enough frantic hack and slash gameplay to keep you playing for hours. With added DLC content implemented as well, it encourages you to play more and take advantage of all the perks. Plenty of replay value in the game to keep you coming back is also another huge plus. We didn’t get an opportunity to throw it down on the Vita version, but we can definitely say that your overall experience will fair better on the PS4 due to performance power at 60FPS, and crisper detailing.
Honey's Pros:
- Extremely detailed tutorials for those unfamiliar with the game mechanics.
- Very solid main and side story arcs.
- Huge variety of characters to choose from and play.
- Visually stunning and runs flawlessly at 60FPS [PS4]
- Well over 40-50 hours of gameplay if you tie in collecting all trophies, completing every mission 100%, etc.
- Great assortment of items to buff your character throughout the game.
- Amazing dialogue and voice acting.
- DLC content is an added bonus which throws more content into the mix.
- TONS of replay value if you’re a completionist.
Honey's Cons:
- The camera controls are well below par and truly takes away from the experience at times.
- Will get repetitive at times simply due to the overall structure of the game. [Dynasty Warriors influenced.]
Honey's Final Verdict:
『フェイト/エクステラ』レビュー。青セイバーが風王鉄槌やエクスカリバーを使いまくる!【TGS2016】 https://t.co/HvqSodHLxo #FateEX #fate #TGS2016 pic.twitter.com/Ce8K1eyawG
— 電撃オンライン (@dengekionline) September 15, 2016
As always, for all things sweet, with news straight from Japan, be sure to keep it locked here on Honey’s Anime.