What You Need to Know:
- It has been revealed that original pretty-boy character project Cocktail Prince has a mobile game under development. Each of the characters is the representation of what cocktails would look like if they were bishounen... Which also means they have some rather, ahem, individual names.
- As for the game play, it will be a bar management simulation game where you decorate your own cocktail bar and run it alongside the cocktail boys. It will have two parts - the main management part and a training section with mini games.
- We don't know just when this will be available to play, but for now check out what the characters and game play will look like below!

Game Play
Source: Nijimen
Reactions Around the Web
I can't wait!
Wah, the characters look like Enstars boys!
It's got a grown-up feeling, the art is pretty, and there's lots of different kinds of boys... Now we just need good voice actors!
It's about alcohol yet... Some of these boys look so young...
They're cute, who cares?

Oh god, this is like Hatoful Boyfriend all over again... And why is one of them called Dirty Mother?!

Omg yes!!! Cocktail boyfriends!! Where do I sign up?!
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