Final Fantasy XIV Online Surpasses 16 Million Players Worldwide

Shadowbringers-FFXIV-560x315 Final Fantasy XIV Online Surpasses 16 Million Players Worldwide


What You Need to Know:

  • The global community of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online continues to grow as SQUARE ENIX announced the game has now surpassed 16 million registered users worldwide during a Letter from the Producer LIVE segment streamed from San Francisco. Accumulating almost six years of critical adoration and passionate fandom, the positive momentum of the MMORPG carries into the upcoming release of its third major expansion, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers on July 2, 2019.
  • Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida also revealed several new details for the upcoming expansion during the livestream, including:
  • Shadowbringers-FFXIV-560x315 Final Fantasy XIV Online Surpasses 16 Million Players Worldwide

  • Details on battle system changes, including the introduction of the charged action system.
  • Updates to the FATE system, side quests, as well the addition of role quests.
  • Adjustments to job synergy and rebalancing of jobs.
  • Various quality of life changes and UI updates.
  • Additionally, the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers official benchmark software is now available for download. The benchmark software includes all-new Shadowbringers footage, as well as a character creator that allows players to view playable characters as they appear in game—including the new Hrothgar and Viera races. Users who create characters using the benchmark will also be able to carry them into the full game as well.
  • FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers will mark the first time that Warriors of Light will travel the rift between worlds to become Warriors of Darkness, to restore night and save the world from the apocalypse the Flood of Light promises. The expansion is packed with new features including the new Dancer and Gunbreaker jobs, Hrothgar and Viera races, an increased level cap, sprawling new areas, raids, and much more.

Source: Official Press Release

Shadowbringers-FFXIV-560x315 Final Fantasy XIV Online Surpasses 16 Million Players Worldwide
Damn, I totally forgot about this game! Now I have another one to grind on until Monster Hunter World Iceborne!
Shadowbringers-FFXIV-560x315 Final Fantasy XIV Online Surpasses 16 Million Players Worldwide
Make sure you gather all of your friends, it's going to be a bee-utiful adventure!