What You Need to Know:
- The official website of the movie Gakuen Handsome The Animation, the adaptation of Tohoku Penet's popular game Gakkuen Handsome, started streaming the opening for this OVA.
- The theme song titled "Tokimeki☆Boyfriend" is performed by Nekoroji
- Release date is set on August 28.
- Check out the opening below!
Source: Liverp.co.jp
Reactions Around the Web
Finally! Gakuen Handsome is coming!!
The drawings have kept the same spirit as in the game! Thank you!
Seeing the graphics move like that is awesome!
The way they move is so cool! hahahahaha
Whaaat Saionji-sensei is singing??!
Seems like there are many fans of the game out there!
Yes, it's really popular since it got released in 2010!
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