DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Goku [GT] Gameplay Trailer | PS4, X1, PC, SWITCH
What You Need to Know:
- On May 9th, DRAGON BALL FighterZ players will be able to compete as Goku from the Dragon Ball GT series as the list of available FighterZ continues to grow, spanning the Dragon Ball universe. After an errant wish by Emperor Pilaf, Goku has been transformed into a child during the Dragon Ball GT series. But make no mistake, young Goku still packs a big punch with special moves like when he transforms into Super Saiyan 4 and unleashes his Dragon Fist attack! Dragon Ball GT Goku is also able to use his Super Spirit Bomb, Power Pole, and Reverse Kamehameha to take out the competition.
- Goku (GT) is a paid DLC fighter, part of the FighterZ Pass 2 which is currently available for purchase for $24.99. The FighterZ Pass 2 includes six characters including the already released Jiren and Videl, as well as the previously announced upcoming characters; Broly (DBS) and Gogeta (SSGSS). DRAGON BALL FighterZ is available now on the PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, PC via STEAM, and Nintendo Switch.
Source: Official Press Release

Get ready for the spirit bomb!!

Such a dope character! Though to be honest, there are wayyyy too many Goku alterations now...yeesh
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