What You Need to Know:
- A particular fan made video has sprung up from the internet, causing huge popularity not only for the characters in it, but for the amazingly detailed programming and visuals put in to one of the most exciting parody fighting videos we have seen in a while!
- YouTuber GamebillStudio has posted a video titled, Goku VS Street Fighter 2, which depicts 16 bit Goku in the Street Fighter 2 arcade world battling it out with every single player and the levels they correspond to.
- The video was published on YouTube Sept. 3, 2015, and since then has racked up a total of 1, 056,263 views to date of this article. The video was captured and edited by Nabil Ayari, who is a Video Editor and Filmaker independently.
- Just how and who will win? Is it obvious? You'll just have to watch to find out!
Source: GamebillStudio

WOW! That was definitely entertaining!

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