GRANBLUE FANTASY Relink Official Gameplay Demo (4P Multiplayer)
GRANBLUE FANTASY Relink Official Trailer #2
What You Need to Know:
- At Granblue Fantasy Fes 2019, Cygames revealed new multiplayer details concerning the in-house developed action RPG Granblue Fantasy: Relink by way of a trailer and gameplay demo. Four players take control of the four dragon knights—Lancelot, Vane, Percival, and Siegfried—and walk you through a multiplayer game play demo. Watch as the dragon knights coordinate a strategy, showcasing their various skills and charge attacks, to take down an ancient dragon. In addition to the gameplay demo, Cygames also provided a story-focused trailer depicting the dragon knights swooping in to get the crew out of a tight spot. Behold as the dragon knights battle mass swarms of enemies!
Source: Official Press Release





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WOWWWW! Holy smokes the new trailers are breathtaking!!!

I'm more excited now for ReLink than Versus haha.. Wow this looks amazing!!