Spring Fantasy/Adventure Anime Gunjou no Magmell Reveals Very First PV!

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Gunjo-no-Magumeru-1-300x475 Spring Fantasy/Adventure Anime Gunjou no Magmell Reveals Very First PV!

Gunjo-no-Magumeru-1-300x475 Spring Fantasy/Adventure Anime Gunjou no Magmell Reveals Very First PV!

Gunjou no Magmell

Fantasy, Adventure

Airing Date:
April 7 2019

Studio Pierrot

Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


One day, Magmell, a brand-new continent, suddenly appears in our world. Humanity rushes into a new age of exploration as the world seeks the unknown creatures and natural resources that sleep on this newly-appeared continent.

Enter Inyou, a boy who has been sucked into the vortex of desire for Magmel who makes his living rescuing adventurers.

Characters & Voice Actors List


Voice Actor: Kengo Kawanishi

Inyou is the main character of this story. While he is still a young boy, he is the top Angler who has the most successful rescues. He runs the lodge ‘Drift’, residence for Anglers. He is was born with an exceptional ability known as 'Rakt' which means he has immense physical prowess. He has a clear cut view on life and death, and while he appears to have a careless personality, he has strong feelings when it comes to those he considered family. He is also incredibly professional when it comes to rescuing.


Voice Actor: M.A.O.

Zero is a girl who works at Drift as Inyou’s assistant. She supports Inyou at Drift with her probe known as ‘Imagine Rakt’ and her bountiful knowledge. Compared to Inyou, her battle experience is inferior and he has not been to Magmell as much, but still, she has an above-average amount of physical prowess. She also helps the sloppy Inyou with his daily life.


Voice Actor: Hibiku Yamamura

Emilia is a woman who belongs to the Gokuhoshi Company as a member of their weapons research and development department. She’s average at best when it comes to her Rakt abilities, but she’s stubborn and even when she's being chased by something dangerous, she pretends to be strong. Due to her father being a rescuer, she starts to work with Inyou.


Voice Actor: Tomoyuki Morikawa

Shuuin is Inyou’s master and a mysterious being.

Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: Dash & Daaash!! by Fudanjuku
  • Ending Song: The Key by a flood of circle

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Dainenbyou
  • Director: Yuuto Date
  • Series Composition: Chuuji Mikasano
  • Character Design: Akiharu Ishii
  • Music: Kenji Takanashi

For more information: Official Website

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