What You Need to Know:
- Following the most watched Summer 2015 anime poll on Animate.TV we talked about in this previous article, a new poll has been made asking how many of the 45 anime listed (see the complete list here) do people watch in one week.
- Out of more than 3000 votes, most of the answers went to 1~5 anime (40.49%) or 5~10 (26.59%). You can check the results below.
- And you, how many different anime from the previous top Summer 2015 anime poll do you watch in one week??
- 1~5 anime watched 1258 people 40.49%
5~10 anime watched 826 people 26.59%
11~15 anime watched 494 people 15.90%
16~20 anime watched 268 people 8.63%
21~25 anime watched 118 people 3.80%
26~30 anime watched 80 people 2.57%
31~35 anime watched 35 people 1.13%
36~40 anime watched 19 people 0.61%
>=41 anime watched 9 people 0.29%
Source: Animate.TV
If you watch around 1 episode from 2 or 3 different anime every day, it's already 14 to 21 anime per week.
Yes, that's ok, but more than 41??!
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