Jikkenhin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days Unveils Honey's Highlights!

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Jikkenhin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days

Sci-fi, Fantasy, Slice of Life

Airing Date:
April 9 2018

Big Firebird Cultural Media Co., Ltd

Honey’s Highlights

honey-thinking2 Jikkenhin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days Unveils Honey's Highlights!
Slice of life with supernatural? Huh... I wonder how this will turn out.
honey-thinking2 Jikkenhin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days Unveils Honey's Highlights!
The main thing that this reminds me of is Uchouten Kazoku.
honey-thinking2 Jikkenhin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days Unveils Honey's Highlights!
I was just going to say that! Natsume Yuujinchou and Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari.
honey-thinking2 Jikkenhin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days Unveils Honey's Highlights!
It's a crossover between a Taiwanese and Japanese studios, so it should have a different feel from what Haoliners makes. I'm looking forward to this.

Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


Our parents are mad scientists. My older brothers and sisters were transformed in top-secret experiments.

One day, we became separated from our parents and ended up living in regular society. However, my four older siblings are modified humans, “creatures.”

Will we be able to keep such a secret?

Will we be able to become a “normal” family?

Characters & Voice Actors List


Voice Actor: Rie Sugiyama

Tanis is an eleven-year-old boy who was not modified because his parents viewed him as a genius. Other than his general knowledge, he has an excellent talent at invention and medical science. However, Tanis has a horrible sense of direction and cries easily. Being restricted by his parents ends up turning into a chance to make his dream of seeing the outside world come true. His wish now is for his older brothers and sisters to fit into society.


Voice Actor: Saori Hayami

Ashis is 16 years-old and is the eldest daughter. Because she has tree genes within her, she can arbitrarily grow branches from her body. Optimistic and big-hearted, she rarely argues with anyone, and because of this, she gets along extremely well with her twin sister Aisley.


Voice Actor: Nanako Mori

Aisley is 16 years-old and is the third child. She has spider genes inside of her and because of this, she has four spider legs that protrude from her back. She loves to eat;specifically, she loves to eat a mixture of worms and insects. Aisley hates being tied down with rules, so she fights often with Tanis.


Voice Actor: Yoshiko Ikuta

Swish is 14 years-old and the fourth child. After being modified, she did gain the ability to read minds, but lost all of her emotions. She generally does not trust others and to be quite frank, neither her family nor Swish herself knows just what exactly she is thinking. She reads frequently and hates two things: places where there are a lot of people and people who think to much.


Voice Actor: Daisuke Namikawa

Snow is 17 years-old and is the eldest child in the family. He was modified by being fused with a white dog and is able to appear fully human, fully dog, and part-human part-dog. Two consciousnesses reside within him. When he is in human form, he is calm and warm with his family, supporting his younger brother greatly. When he is a dog, (His family calls him ‘wan wan’ ((bark bark)) when this happens) he is a bit of a coward and is scared of thunder. Due to the fact that there are two consciousnesses in him, he is smarter than a regular dog.

Other TitleShiyan Pin Jiating
Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: Early Days by Rin Akatsuki
  • Ending Song: Haru ni Ochite by Kano

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Yanai
  • Director: Wei Tianxing
  • Script: Zhiheng Cai
  • Character Design: Xiangmei Li
  • Sound Director: Tomohiro Seki

For more information: Official Website

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