What You Need to Know:
- Niconico announced the good news: Between Saturday the 29th of August, and Monday the 31st, every episode from both seasons of, K-On!, and the movie will be broadcasted on Niconico Live.
- On Saturday, you will be able to watch the whole 1st season (13 episodes), then on Sunday, it will be episodes 1 to 17 from the 2nd season. Finally, on Monday, episodes 18 to 26, followed by the movie.
- Broadcast will start at 7pm on each day.
Source: Yaraon
Reactions Around the Web
That's really good news!
If it raises the number of K-On! fans, it would be cool!
I don't know it but it looks fun!
I gotta prepare myself mentally before with the manga!
Seems like everybody is excited about this news!
Because K-On! is great! I love the songs too!
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