New Promo Video for "Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi" Released on Netflix!!

Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi

Comedy, Slice of Life

Airing Date:
March 10, 2022

Liden Films

Promotional Videos / PV

Official Images / Key Visuals


The doorbell rings, and I open the door to find a small boy standing there. He holds out a box of highgrade tissues and says, “I’m Sato. I’ve just moved into room 203. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
For some reason, Kotaro Sato, 4 years old, is living alone in Apartment Shimizu.
With a toy sword at his hip, he’s once again going shopping alone today.
Kotaro’s clever way of living, which includes both maturity and childishness, gradually influences the people around him.
This is the story of a 4-year-old boy who is determined to live well for the day that he can spend time with his parents.

Characters & Voice Actors

Kotarou-wa-Hitorigurashi-Kotaro-Lives-Alone-KV New Promo Video for "Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi" Released on Netflix!!
Kotaro Sato: Rie Kugimiya

A four year old boy who lives alone in room 203 of Apartment Shimizu for a certain reason. He’s capable of cleaning, washing, and cooking on his own. He speaks like a young lordling in imitation of his favorite anime Tonosaman.
Kotarou-wa-Hitorigurashi-Kotaro-Lives-Alone-KV New Promo Video for "Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi" Released on Netflix!!
Susumu Karino: Toshiki Masuda

An unsuccessful manga artist who lives in room 202 of Apartment Shimizu. He often looks out for Kotaro, taking him to the public baths and walking him to kindergarten.
Kotarou-wa-Hitorigurashi-Kotaro-Lives-Alone-KV New Promo Video for "Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi" Released on Netflix!!
Isamu Tamaru: Junichi Suwabe

A man living in room 102 of Apartment Shimizu. Despite his intimidating looks, he loves children and dotes on Kotaro.
Kotarou-wa-Hitorigurashi-Kotaro-Lives-Alone-KV New Promo Video for "Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi" Released on Netflix!!
Mitsuki Akimoto: Saori Hayami

A young woman living in room 201 of Apartment Shimizu. She’s always cheerful and often invites Kotaro over for tea.

Other TitleKotaro Lives Alone
Theme Songs
  • Opening Song: "Hoshi no Runway" by KOCHO
  • Ending Song: "Chiisana Te no Hira" by Kotringo
"Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi (Kotaro Lives Alone)" (Manga)
Kotarou-wa-Hitorigurashi-Kotaro-Lives-Alone-KV New Promo Video for "Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi" Released on Netflix!!

Main Staff
  • Original Creator: Mami Tsumura
  • Director: Tomoe Makino
  • Series Composition: Yu Sato
  • Character Design: Tomomi Kimura
  • Sound Director: Ryo Tanaka
  • Music: Yuya Mori

For more information: Official Website, Twitter

(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)

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