KurtzPel (커츠펠) GLOBAL CBT!
What You Need to Know:
- KOG Games has officially launched the global closed beta test of their newest title, KurtzPel. KurtzPel is a third person, anime-inspired, action battle game and the spiritual successor to the world of GrandChase. The closed beta begins at 4:00PM PST today (February 20, 2019) and runs through 4:00PM PST February 24, 2019.
- Players can apply for a beta key and begin playing at 4:00 PM PST today. More details can also be found here regarding the beta.
- In KurtzPel, classic action game dynamics are eminent when players outfit their characters with two, separate trade/jobs, noted in the form of weapon paths (called Karma) that can be swapped out and utilized interchangeably during battle. Players can enjoy various, comprehensive 2v2 PvP Modes; queued up by a smart, automated match-making system or players can embark upon a larger-than-life, raid style, quest-driven battle system against big, bad boss monsters.
Source: Official Press Release

Well I'd better get on this immediately then huh?!

Yup! Time to get moving!
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