What You Need to Know:
- Last month, we reported on the new upcoming Macross anime, Macross Delta, and mentioned that there would be a press conference in late October where more details were to be disclosed.
- That was today, and new visuals, a PV, and staff have all been announced.
- The director will be Kenji Yasuda, who also directed such anime as Ikoku Meiro no Croisée and Shugo Chara. As well, the voice actress for the main character, Freyja Wion, will be Minori Suzuki, who's just starting her career as a VA and singer.

Source: Official Website
Reactions Around the Web
Singing while in battle... did they take this straight from the unit in Macross 7?
Now Macross is doing the whole idol thing? It seems really stale by now.

I thought Macross Frontier was a good dynamic, with two idols. This makes it too crowded.

Idol anime are all the craze now, so I guess it makes sense...
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