What You Need to Know:
- On 7/8, Dandy and other families visit Betelgeuse, which is Myau's mother star in order to fix the Aloha-Oe.
- They decide to stay with Myau's family and wait for the parts for their ship to arrive and they loiter around the city, see Myau's father work, go for a drink at Snack (where Myau's old friend Katy works), and 7/8 ends.
- The next day, they wake up and go to see the Aloha-oe, see Myau's father work, go for a drink at Snack, and so on, again, and again.............. forever!!
- It's all because of the influence of heavy pionium. Solar energy goes out of control, so it causes time & space distortion and make the Dandys fall into a time loop.

Lately it feels like we're all stuck in a loop too...

Haha! This was a funny episode!
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