What You Need to Know:
- Last week, we brought you the news that Kagerou Project creator Jin has announced that something new was in the works - now, we can confirm it will be an anime!
- However, it won't be a series - it will in fact be a short movie titled Kageroudaze [in a days] and will hit Japanese cinemas this winter. It's not just any movie, though - this will be Japan's first anime to use MX4D technology!
- It will also be the first work directed by Sidu, an illustrator who has been in charge of all the Kagerou Project music videos! The studios behind the work will be 1st PLACE and JUMONJI.
- Not much else is known about the film as of yet so until we find out more, make sure to check out the first visual below!

Source: Official Website
Reactions Around the Web
Did Shaft get fired? Lolololol
I guess the time has finally come when we can see the true power of KagePro
We can finally see Jin is taking it seriously
Shaft should never have made Mekaku City Actors...
Isn't it more like Shaft didn't want to do it?

A movie, huh? And a short one, at that... I wonder how short it will be?

I hope it's not too short! I'm excited to see how this new project turns out, though!
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