What You Need to Know:
- NTT Solmare participated Anime Expo 2017 from July 1st – July 4th at Los Angeles Convention Center.
- NTT Solmare had doubled its exhibit space for the fourth participation, and co-exhibited Shall We Date? series and Moe! Ninja Girls. Thanks to over 10,000 visitors, they concluded the event with tremendous success.
Event Summary
Event Name: Anime Expo 2017
Date: July 1st –July 4th
Venue: Los Angeles Convention Center
Attendance Number: Over 350,000
NTT Solmare Official Website: http://shallwedate.jp/en/ax2017/
"This year, we aimed for turning the world of Shall we date? into the reality. Three different booths were exhibited, including AR, Augmented Reality, and photo spaces. Especially, AR date made it possible to interact with one of the characters from Ninja Shadow+. With variety of expression and smooth moves, it brought the exciting vibes and happy smiles.
"Throughout the event, we were fortunate to have everlasting lines of visitors that the special presents were all gone before the last day. Some people visited in their favorite character’s cosplay, and some showed up with a thoughtful letter. It was a great opportunity to know how much people enjoy our games, and we couldn’t be any happier to feel such a love directly from our fans."

Service Overview
Shall we date?
Experience the sweetest romance with handsome boyfriends! Our Shall we date? titles are enjoyed in 166 countries with fascinating love stories that instantly make you fall in love.
Moe! Ninja Girls
Can you fall in love with ninja girls without revealing your true identity?! The number of downloads has reached 600,000 since its release back in December, 2016.
Social Media Outlets
Shall we date?: http://shallwedate.jp/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShallWeDate.NTTSolmare
Moe!Ninja Girls: http://ninjagirls.moe/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moeninjagirls