Our World is Ended - PlayStation 4 Review

Our-World-Is-Ended_20190415080132-560x315 Our World is Ended - PlayStation 4 Review

One door closes, another one opens.

  • System: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Steam [PC]
  • Publisher: PQube
  • Developer: Red Entertainment
  • Release Date: April 18, 2019 (EU) / May 28th (NA)

Our World Is Ended. - Announcement Trailer

Who it Caters to

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Extreme cases of strange phenomenon have been documented in human history, with many being considered to be unexplainable due to their complexity. Many who discover these strange cases often turn a blind eye to them, seemingly because it just doesn’t make any sense to them. What are we trying to get at here? Well, PQube and Red Entertainment have created a narrative-driven Visual Novel title that takes a look at really wild phenomenon, and how a group of passionate game designers must now discover ways to overcome the obstacle that lies in their way: their own Augmented Reality video game. Our World is Ended is an incredibly intriguing story that exemplifies just how much technology has consumed our lives, and that if we aren’t too careful with it, technology may just take advantage of us in really bizarre ways.
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What to Expect

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Our World is Ended tells the story of an extraordinary team of aspiring game developers under the name of Judgement 7, who are working on a new game engine known as the W.O.R.L.D. Program. When a user puts on an Augmented Reality headset, they’re immersed in a world that changes the landscape in real time, giving users a truly realistic experience. However, when Reiji, the part-time Assistant Director experiments with the program in Asasuka, he comes to the realization that this device just felt all too real. Was it a glitch in the matrix? Was the headset just totally broken, or maybe Owari-san messed around to see your overall reaction? When Reiji explains his experience to the team, they all claim that he perhaps has a glitch in his brain... but after experiencing similar events as Reiji did, they realize that they’ve become trapped between the real world and the fictional one. Characters and dangerous creatures from their own creation now impose a threat on the real world, and it’s up to Judgement 7 to put an end to it all, before it’s too late.


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Our World is Ended is a visually stunning title that really places a lot of emphasis on the strong use of vivid colors, which really bring life to the characters and locations. One important aspect to point out is just how authentic everything feels in the game, pertaining to the locations used. Since we live in Japan and have a strong grasp of the Asakusa area, playing through Our World is Ended felt more emotionally riveting as we were able to immediately recognize specific landmarks, and even specific train lines that Reiji and the other team members use. Most games create a fictional universe where characters often live out a very fantasy-driven experience, but with Our World is Ended, it truly felt real at times. It’s like the roles have changed where now it’s a fantasy world that meets the real world and you have to cope with all of these weird occurrences in real time. The UI in the game is very unique, and really impressed us because it really speaks volumes on how much attention to detail the team put not only into the narrative, but also the presentation, which is wonderful.
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Sound, Music

Our World is Ended isn’t all about slaying monsters and game design, it also touches on very real issues pertaining to the game industry as a whole, and what developers have to go through in order to turn their dreams into reality. In this case, things became all too real for the entire Judgement 7 squad and now they have to battle against their own creation, which creates a lot of comedic moments. One primary selling point about Our World is Ended is just how seamless the narrative feels between characters, and how everyone compliments one another so beautifully. The voice acting in the game is superb and adds that extra element of excitement, laughter, and oftentimes a lot of ecchi moments. At first glance, you wouldn’t think this game would incorporate a lot of sexual innuendo, but it does so in such a clever way that you can’t help but chuckle at the way it all unfolds. Each character brings their own flare and strong personality to the table, creating very compelling moments that exemplifies just how rewarding but also how challenging relationships can be.


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It’s always very weird to discuss “gameplay” in a genre that typically doesn’t place a lot of emphasis on playing, but with Our World is Ended there are some instances where interaction is necessary. One prime example is the ‘Selection of Soul’ (or S.O.S.), where messages are scattered all across the screen to depict what’s going through Reiji’s flustered mind during that conversation. These decisions can impact the narrative while also adding a little bit more intrigue to the already fascinating experience you have while reading. You’re getting to see just how things unfold, and it truly feels like you’re in Japan experiencing it all.

Perhaps for those who have visited Japan, the experience may hit closer to home, but we shouldn’t discredit those who haven’t been to the country because the game still provides a lot of excitement. Due to the overall authenticity of the game, players can dive in and immerse themselves right away since it’s no longer a fantasy-driven experience, but one that feels organic and relatable. It speaks of just how far we’ve come in terms of technology, and that this particular experience could potentially happen at any time in our actual lives. To even conjure that thought seems out of this world, but Our World is Ended paints that picture so vividly that you’d think we’re already living in an RPG world right now… OK, we’re going too philosophical here!

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Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

Our-World-Is-Ended_20190415080132-560x315 Our World is Ended - PlayStation 4 Review
Our World is Ended is all about splendid artwork, authenticity, comedic performance, and strong character relationships. Everything comes together to create a truly satisfying gaming experience that never seems to grow stale, since there’s always something to take from it. Whether it be real life nuggets that the game sometimes throws at you, or laughing at all the sexual jokes that are interwoven in the dialogue, Our World is Ended is a thrilling experience that always keeps you wondering what will happen next. It’s definitely one of the better Visual Novel Adventures we’ve come across in a very long time, perhaps because we can relate to the characters a lot more since we used to be designers ourselves. When you can relate to something, the overall sensation you feel while playing is multiplied, which helps to really drive the message home and keep you absorbed for as long as possible. Whether that was the goal of PQube and Red Entertainment from the beginning we’ll never know, but we can be certain that anyone who picks up this game will most definitely have an out of this world experience with it!

Honey's Pros:

  • A truly authentic experience as the team uses real life locations to give credence to the gameplay.
  • Every character is unique in their own way and really brings the game to life in a variety of ways.
  • Splendid artwork and amazing visuals.
  • A real interactive experience.

Honey's Cons:

  • Perhaps some of the sexual jokes may rub off in the wrong way to some. That’s about it, really.

Honey's Final Verdict:

We hope you found our review of Our World is Ended to be an informative one, and that the information provided will entice you to pick it up and experience it hands on! As we mentioned in the review, it’s one of the better Visual Novels we’ve come across recently and that’s because a lot of effort was put into the game to create a very genuine experience. Be sure to follow us on social media and stay up to date with our live gaming stream on Twitch, where we play a variety of games for you, the fans!

As always, for all things gaming, be sure to keep it locked right here on Honey’s Anime.

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Author: Rob "NualphaJPN" B.

A passionate fan of gaming, writing, journalism, anime, and philosophy. I've lived in Japan for many years and consider this place to be my permanent home. I love to travel around Japan and learn about the history and culture! Leave a comment if you enjoy my articles and watch me play on twitch.tv/honeysgaming ! Take care!

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