What You Need to Know:
- Someone on the internet has a lot of free time. Sometimes, maybe too much free time! It seems that someone has been lurking lawyer copyright patents.
- Via lurking a twitter, thay noticed that two names have been filed for trademark copyright that are to be used for "a game."
- When looking at the names filed below in the pictures, it seems like they would line up just right for use in Pokemon Sun & Moon. Some commentors even are wondering if since Kalos was based on France, if this next region will be based in Spain or a spanish speaking country due to the overall feel of the names. That and "sol" means "sun" in Spanish while "luna" means "moon". Check them out below and let us know what you think!

Source:Hachima Kikou
Reactions Around the Web
Oh these names are cute and very pokemon-like!
Are Solrock and Lunatone mega evolving?
This is a mystery~~
When do we get the new starters?
So is the next place Spain?

Oooooo I cannot wait for this to come out! Honey-chan do you speak Spanish?

'Claro que si! Espero que estos nombres son correctos!' I can speak Japanese and English too bee-kun.

But... I.... Uh... Wait... what... I...
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