Game Info:
- System: Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, Android, iOS
- Publisher: KEMCO
- Developer: EXE Create
- Release Date: Oct 4, 2018
- Price:$12.99
- Rating: E 10+ Everyone 10+
- Genre: RPG
- Players: 1
- Official Website:
Who it Caters to

What to Expect



Revenant Dogma is a pretty simple title to explain in terms of gameplay. Players take control of a young wannabe hero named Caine as they do battle against various monsters and baddies in traditional turn based combat. At its core, Revenant Dogma doesn’t change the systems that we all know about turn based combat, and that is where its strengths and weaknesses get highlighted. We’ll talk about each positive in Revenant Dogma but equally discuss the weaknesses that are noticeable.
Players will walk around various locations, kill baddies, level up, rinse and repeat over and over while playing Revenant Dogma. Those who love this theme in their daily dose of JRPG will be pleased to know that it works well in Revenant Dogma. Battles are fast and fun with some cool concepts thrown in that echo The Legend of Dragoon. During special attacks, players can occasionally hit a button prompt and allow for increased damage or even additional attacks. Early on in Revenant Dogma players will also gain the transform ability which allows them to unleash an inner power/armor for absurd amounts of damage but with a risk involved. Using the transformed state for too long causes the character transformed to go into a berserker status and thus the player loses control of them. We rarely had that happen in Revenant Dogma—though we did play on normal—but it meant you couldn’t become reliant on the power if you were looking at a lengthy boss fight.
Unfortunately, combat in Revenant Dogma can be absurdly easy and that is due to the quick battles and the EXP Ring which players can purchase in-game. The EXP Ring gives players 1 exp for each step taken outside of combat and seeing as how Revenant Dogma is a RPG, you’ll be gaining 1 EXP every second in droves. By the first boss, our characters could literally two-hit the boss and be done with the battle. If you don’t use the ring, it will be a bit harder of a first boss, but even still, we didn’t struggle with Revenant Dogma on normal difficulty and had to push it higher to get any real satisfaction from combat. Again, DON’T BUY THE EXP RINGS IF YOU WANT A CHALLENGE!
Another strength of Revenant Dogma is the simple story that is just fun and nostalgic. Revenant Dogma is a “hero saves the world” tale and while that is cliché and done to death, it works for this title. The characters are likable and the dialogue occasionally can be quite funny. We laughed at the banter between Caine and his friends which means Revenant Dogma is well written. The flip side of this simplicity though is that Revenant Dogma can be a bit…forgettable. Not only is the music ho-hum at best, the story won’t leave a lasting impression on you like The Legend of Dragoon did way back when. Graphically too, Revenant Dogma isn’t great, but it’s far from good either. The character models during dialogue are quite nice and well defined but during combat the game feels dated. Revenant Dogma truly is trying to be old school and while that might appeal to some, others might feel it’s just another JRPG in the sea of JRPGs.
Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

Honey's Pros:
- Good RPG mechanics that keep battles quick and fun
- Fun story that will appeal to those who miss older RPG classics
- Turn based battles are reminiscent of Legend of the Dragoon
- Very affordable price tag
Honey's Cons:
- Can be very repetitive and simple for quite some time in the early game
- Doesn’t do anything different than other JRPGs
- Forgettable music
- Buying EXP Rings will make the game literally easy mode so avoid it
Honey's Final Verdict: