What You Need to Know:
- Key/VisualArt's has revealed that in celebration of visual novel Rewrite getting an anime adaptation, they will be releasing a new version titled Rewrite+ (Rewrite Plus.)
- The game will be a revised and edited version, with new images and previously unseen CG, and will tie up all editions into a complete version - including Rewrite Harvest Festa!.
- Rewrite+ will go on sale from July 29 and will be suitable for all audiences. A PV has also been released - watch it below!
Source: Official Website
Reactions Around the Web
Suitable for all audiences? I was hoping for R-18...
This has better come out on all platforms
Put this out before the anime, damnit
Finally a complete version!!!!

All audiences? I think we all know the audience who wants to play this, though...?

Not everyone is like you, Bee-kun! It's a shame they're not putting it out before the anime, though.
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