What You Need to Know:
- Everyone's favorite warrior of love and justice has decided in her never ending mission of fighting crime and saving the world, to stop in a political rally to show her support. Well... kinda
- Recently at a Donald Trump rally, Zack Fox was doing what he loved, supporting America. He decided to reveal to the world his secret that he is Sailor Moon! Amidst chants of "USA USA!" he... "transformed" into Sailor Moon and continuted to chant.
- However, for some reason, it seems as if Donald Trump doesn't need Sailor Moon on his side? Security escorted the Imperial Moon Princess of the Silver Millenium out.
- We don't understand why either, but check out the video to see more! Japan is loving it!
Source: Oreteki Game
Reactions Around the Web
It doesn't matter how you look at it. He's a pervert!
If you're going to do it, DO IT RIGHT. DO THE MAKEUP SAILOR MOON. One more time plz. lol
America has finally become the 48th Prefecture! JAPAN JAPAN!
Do it now Sailor Moon! Use your Tiara!
*Followed by* Use the Imperium Silver Crystal Sailor Moon!

WTF That's not Sailor Moon! I came for the babe!

*Gasps for air* ahahahaha Maybe... pfft... they should have asked.... tee hee... her to endorse.... hahahahah Donald Trump! bahaha
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