Game Info: (Box Display)
- System: PS4
- Publisher: Marvelous, XSEED Games
- Developer: Tamsoft
- Release Date: Sept 26, 2017
- Price:$49.99 (Retail Limited Edition Only $69.99)
- Rating: M for Mature
- Genre: Third-Person Shooter
- Players: 1-2 (Online 2-10)
- Official Website: http://peachbeachsplash.com
Who it Caters to

What to Expect



Let us first discuss Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash’s greatest change from the past titles, the third person shooting aspects. Players essentially run around beach themed arenas and environments using various water based weapons to take down opposing teams and or enemies while avoiding taking too much damage themselves. You have three hearts per every match and only lose if your girl loses all her hearts. While Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash may have removed the swords and rifles found in the past titles for this water based theme, that hasn’t removed the great gameplay that we know and love from developer Tamsoft. The various weapons—which come in forms such as machine guns, rocket launchers, shotguns and machine guns to name a few—all handle well and give players a means of staving off possible repetition if they were all the same type of water gun.
Speaking of avoiding repetition, Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash does this outside of just the great gameplay by offering players not one but several gameplay modes to enjoy. Sure, they might all boil down to the same theme but each mode has different variances to feel different nonetheless. For example, players can obviously enjoy the single player mode which has you taking teams from the beginning of the tournament to the end, but there is also episodic mode—titled Paradise Mode—where players see specific short stories of different girls and are thrown into random situations where the game may throw different handicaps at you. Plus, if you grow tired of playing alone you can bring a friend along for some co-op or even jump online to battle against others in large 10 player battles. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash offers a ton of gameplay modes for the price of admission that much we can say.
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash also has two other major strengths, beautiful graphics and an awesome soundtrack. While the physics of the girls may come into question at times—seriously we don’t think girls’ chests work that way—it doesn’t stop the game from making each shinobi girl from looking absolutely stunning with sharp lighting and a great amount of character detail. The various water effects look solid too though, at times, can be a bit much leading to some confusion on screen, though it doesn’t distract too much. As we said, the music in Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is also a delight as it mixes in the feeling of past Senran Kagura titles but adds in a beach themed tone to the music which fits well with the game.
Now before we talk about the issues we have with Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, we want to put a disclaimer of sorts out there. While we here at Honey’s Anime love all things anime-like—meaning fanservice and ecchi themes—not everyone is going to be okay with Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash’s overly sexualized gameplay. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash has girls being doused with water to the point of seeing through their swimsuits—though this is censored obviously—and even has a game where you can grope the various girls to get them to kiss you. While the latter is completely optional, the former is the basics of the game and that might be too much for normal gamers out there. That’s why we’re confident most who will buy Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash already know what to expect but if you’re deciding to venture into the world of Senran Kagura for the first time, we just wanted to let you know so you can avoid Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash if this seems like too much.
Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

Honey's Pros:
- Fun third person gameplay
- Gorgeous graphics
- Solid music
- Co-op and multiplayer
- Wide assortment of customization
- Silly but funny narrative
Honey's Cons:
- Fan service may be a bit much for some
- Card based system is a bit odd and unneeded in our opinion
- Can be a bit too frantic at times
Honey's Final Verdict: