New Anime Shikizakura Announced for 2020!

What You Need to Know:

  • With the buzz of the Olympics officially under way in Japan, an animation studio based in Nagoya, Japan has announced an original anime for 2020!
  • Titled Shikizaura, the studio handling it is called Sumblimation. They are currently holding open seiyuu auditions titled "Nagoya Seiyuu Audtion" that run from October 1st to November 15th.
  • The theme of Shikizakura is that it will be set in the near future and be sci-fi in genre. The producer for the series is Tomoyasu Nishimura while Shinya Sugai will be the director. No more information has come out at this point, but check out the key visual and get excited!

Source: Official Website

bee-surprised1 New Anime Shikizakura Announced for 2020!
I didn't even know that there were animation studios in Nagoya or outside of Tokyo other than Fukushima Gainax!?
bee-surprised1 New Anime Shikizakura Announced for 2020!
The post has me interested. I'll bite when more information comes out.