Sky: Children of the Light - Nintendo Switch Review

“Fly Through The Stages of Life”

Game Info:

  • System: iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch
  • Publisher: Thatgamecompany, CHN: NetEase
  • Developer: Thatgamecompany
  • Release Date: June 29. 2021

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Games can be art, that much has been proven time and time again. Back in the earlier days of the PS3, a very simple game was released called Flower that made gamers realize not every game had to be built the same. Rather than killing dozens of enemies or fighting gigantic beasts, players of Flower could just watch beautiful backdrops move with very minimal player interaction. Flower would then be followed by another beautiful adventure game that won many awards in the form of Journey. Thatgamecompany—creators of said titles—have well established that games can be wonderful works of art all the while having players get lost in gameplay that is simple, fun, and explorative. Sky: Children of the Light, a free title that was released in 2021, continued their legacy but we never really got into it here at Honey’s Anime...until today! Should you pick up Sky: Children of the Light or pass by it like a gentle breeze? We find out in our review down below!

Glide Young Soul

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In the vein of the other titles from Thatgamecompany, Sky: Children of the Light, isn’t going to overload players with hour-long story inserts or cutscenes. Sky: Children of the Light is all about learning via your own ability to seek knowledge. That being said, unlike the past titles from Thatgamecompany, Sky: Children of the Light does contain significantly more elements of a narrative that reveal themselves as you dive further into this strange magical landscape. Players will be able to fly—literally but more on that in a moment—through several “realms” that each explores the concept of life. Those who love to explore every nook and cranny of a video game will no doubt love just how much there is here to discover while playing Sky: Children of the Light.

Fly, Glide and Soar

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The main gameplay element of Sky: Children of the Light is exploration but instead of just walking or running, players will love that their little spirit-like entity is capable of flight thanks to a powerful cape. In the early stages of Sky, you won’t be able to soar into the heavens and fly like a master spirit but as you discover “winged light” items, your cape will become stronger enabling longer flight sessions and more abilities to experience. We had fun pushing our spirit up and around to really feel as if we were aimless birds moving from place to place. Many games have tried capturing flight in some shape or form but Sky: Children of the Light does a phenomenal job of really giving a gamer the idea of what flying would feel like.

Alone You Are Not

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Flower and Journey could be described as solo-themed games where mingling with others wasn’t really the central idea. In Sky: Children of the Light, social interaction is almost a secondary gameplay mechanic. As you roam the realms and lands, you will come across other individuals and you can gain gifts, learn social emotes, and other little goodies. Yes, the world of Sky: Children of the Light is immense but at least you’ll never feel like you’re in a dying world with no one.

Connection Issues

Yes, Sky: Children of the Light is, unfortunately, not without its minor issues and that comes from connection issues we faced while playing. While it could be entirely on our end, there were a few times we got removed from the immersion of Sky: Children of the Light when a connection error popped up and seeing as how Sky is all about being connected to the internet, this might pose an issue if you want to soar while in an area with bad internet or none at all. Again, these issues weren’t constant and happened only rarely but they did arise and did sometimes remind us we weren’t spirit beings, but gamers holding a Nintendo Switch…

Final Thoughts

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There is a reason Sky: Children of the Light was given plenty of accolades when it was released on iOS and then Nintendo Switch. Sky: Children of the Light is a fantastic adventure game that proves to the world that combat and fighting aren’t all that is needed for a game to be fun. While we had some minor immersion issues thanks to bad internet connections, we enjoyed Sky: Children of the Light so much that we rarely ever got mad when we were ripped from the in-game world to return to reality.

Are you still exploring the world as a little spirit or have you stopped playing Sky: Children of the Light? Tell us in the comments below! Keep stuck to our flying hive here at Honey’s Anime for even more game reviews and anime articles!

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Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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