Those who consider themselves mecha anime fans know about the longest-running mech franchise, Mobile Suit Gundam. With dozens of anime series, Gunpla—model kits for Gundam—and, of course, video games, Gundam has had a long list of creations in the otaku world. Today, though, we focus on one of the newer Gundam games, titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation Code Fairy, which is a truly peculiar but welcome title.
Coming off the more recent Battle Operation game, Code Fairy changes numerous themes found in the original game and the series as a whole. Is this newest title worth diving into your piggy banks for, or does it collapse under the expectations we have for this franchise? Let's find out in our look at Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation Code Fairy Volume 1!
These Fairies Aren’t Powerless

Code Fairy dons the multiplayer aspect of the previous Battle Operation game in favor of an episodic story. Following a special unit of female Zeon Pilots called Noisy Fairy, Code Fairy is story-driven with the exceptional gameplay found in Battle Operation. Players assume the role of Alma, who must work with her new team to help the Zeon regiment win the war against the Earth Federation. This sounds unusual to probably most fans who are accustomed to piloting mostly male members and those who are on the Earth Federation side, but we welcome these theme-breaking elements and love the concept Code Fairy brings to the franchise!
Your Zaku is Your Best Friend

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation Code Fairy being focused on the Principality of Zeon means you're not using Gundam and GMs but instead Zaku, which might sound weird but is far from it. The Zaku you are partnered up with our heavy duty units that aren't mere pushovers. However, don't let yourself think you're indestructible in a large Zaku; Code Fairy isn't afraid to show you that overconfidence can be anyone's downfall!
As it plays like Battle Operation, Code Fairy lets you run with your giant Mobile Suit and lay waste to your foes with several weapons in your arsenal. Alma's Zaku has a high-powered heat sword, as well as a massive bazooka, making her the damage dealer of the group. Meanwhile, Helena has a higher-powered sniper rifle, and Mia utilizes a machine gun. Don't be scared, though. You can gain even more weapons and abilities as you progress, which will make your pilots stronger and more versatile.
Friendship Amongst Pilots!
What we adore about Code Fairy is the camaraderie between the pilots themselves. These girls are indeed fierce but outside of combat—and sometimes during—their youth comes out, leading to some fantastic dialogue between the squad. We do wish there was an English dub—though the Japanese audio is stellar nonetheless—as we did have difficulty reading what the pilots were saying during the more heated battles. Needless to say, we can't wait for what future volumes bring to Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation Code Fairy and the squad known as Noisy Fairy!
Is This an Anime?!?!

Lastly, we have to give B.B. Studio credit here. They made Code Fairy feel like an anime series in a video game. Every chapter has an opening and closing—which are great—and feel like actual anime episodes. You could no doubt fool a gamer into thinking they are watching a Gundam anime, and that is a big thumbs up from us here at Honey's Anime!
Final Thoughts
Code Fairy is easily one of the better Gundam titles out there and improves on the issues with Battle Operation thanks to having an enjoyable story, a nice anime aesthetic, and overall solid gameplay. We wish there was an English dub! Combat can feel a bit slow sometimes but, overall, MSG: Battle Operation Code Fairy is a great title. As this is only Volume 1—the remaining two will be released later this year—we can't say the entire package is perfect; if the others are as good as this one, then we have high hopes for a possible future title to copy the themes found here!
Are you going to pick up Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation Code Fairy before the holidays? Comment below to let us know!
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