What You Need to Know:
- If you've ever wondered what it would be like to get sucked in by Kirby, well now's your chance to find out, as Bandai’s Official Online Shop has revealed the SUIKOMI Kirby plushy. Preorders will run from 12:00 AM (EST) on December 18, 2018 to 8:00 AM (EST) on January 6, 2019.
- It’s now available to preorder on Bandai’s official online shopping site “Premium Bandai”
- From now until December 25, 2018, all orders at Premium Bandai are $25 off as part of our Christmas Sale. This includes SUIKOMI Kirby, Gundam uniform jackets pulled strait from the anime, and an assortment of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure accessories.
Source: Official Press Release

I wonder what super power Kirby would get if he inhaled me?

Probably some sort of bee body that lets him sting people maybe?