With so many subscription boxes from Japan nowadays, it’s hard to figure out what sets them apart when deciding which one(s) to subscribe to. Of course, we all have different tastes, so the type of box each person may want can vary greatly. There are anime goods boxes, makeup boxes, toy/collectible boxes, and of course, probably the most popular type of box: The Japanese Snack Box.
One recent addition to the subscription box game is TokyoTreat who, back in July, started creatively curating and put together Japanese snack boxes that are exciting, delicious, educational, entertaining, and shareable!
What is TokyoTreat?
Good question! As stated above, TokyoTreat is a Japanese snack box subscription service and it joins MoveFast’s family, which includes YumeTwins, a kawaii box; nomakenolife, a makeup box; and JapanHaul, MoveFast’s mothership of all things anime, Japan, and otaku—if you’re craving something specific or fell in love with an item from your TokyoTreat box (or any other mentioned boxes), you can always go there and buy it directly!
TokyoTreat strives to spread the knowledge and love of Japanese candy & Japanese soda throughout the world. They take all the care in the world to come up with fun themes and curate their Japanese subscription boxes to make sure that all who order one receive all they dreamed of and a bit more.

Why TokyoTreat?
TokyoTreat highlights the high quality and great variety of Japanese snacks. Every snack provides a new experience or serves as a nostalgic reminder of something you’ve tried before over your years as an otaku. But TokyoTreat doesn’t stop broadening your horizons with flavors and textures you’ve never tried before, it also incliudes an informative magazine/snack guide that really drives home just how important the customer’s experience is for TokyoTreat.
Like other boxes, TokyoTreat’s themes vary every month. The monthly snack selections will match the themes in a unique, fun, and creative way; and being seasonal, you will discover new flavors to keep your experience fresh every month!
What’s in the Box!?

ToktoTreat boxes come in Classic and Premium. They both have mostly the same things, except, of course, the Premium box has a few bonus items that make it a little extra special.
Classic TokyoTreat Box Starts at $22.50
12 Full-size items including:
- 1 Japanese drink (180~500 ml)
- 1 Party pack
- 1 Anime snack
- 4 Popular Japanese snacks
- 4 Share packs
- 2 Dagashi
- 1 DIY Japanese candy kit
- 1 Kinosei snack
Premium TokyoTreat Box Starts at $31.50
17 Full-size items including:
- 1 Japanese drink (180~500 ml)
- 1 Party pack
- 1 Anime snack
- 5 Popular Japanese snacks
- 4 Share packs
- 3 Dagashi
- 1 DIY Japanese candy kit
- 1 Kinosei snack
Besides the aforementioned edible goodies, there are a couple of other treats in each box. One of these goodies is the Japanese Candy Guide Book, which doubles as a mini magazine that, besides having detailed information on all your treats, also has contests, games, and even a cultural section where you can learn about Japanese culture and how it relates to snacks and pick up a couple of Japanese phrases to impress your friends!
Every box also comes with an Exclusive Streaks membership, which is a rewards program that earns you coupons, lifetime discounts, exclusive items, and entries to win a Lucky Treat raffled every month! As long as you are subscribed, your box will power up every month. But if you miss a month, your power will drain and you'll need to start from zero again. Though with Free Worldwide Shipping on all their boxes and their very doable prices, why would you miss a month!?
Final Thoughts

TokyoTreat is definitely not just another box subscription service. Their attentively crafted boxes don’t just bring with them the joy of eating Japanese snacks and learning more about Japanese culture, TokyoTreat boxes also embody the spirit of Omotenashi that Japan is so well known for. Every item is carefully and lovingly placed to give every customer a clean, comfortable, exciting, and delicious experience they will not forget. Every snack in its place, incredibly kept safe and sound even after making their way half way around the world.
Checkout our February TokyoTreat unboxing article for a preview of next month’s box and then make sure to visit TokyoTreat.com to subscribe to start receiving your Tokyo Treats! Now, where are those snacks? Itadakimasu~!
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