Trails of Cold Steel IV - Announcement Trailer (PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC)
What You Need to Know:
- Trails of Cold Steel IV is coming to PlayStation 4 in Fall 2020 and later to Nintendo Switch and PC in 2021! The heroes of Class VII find themselves against the full force of the Empire in an attempt to stop its path of total domination. Further, the hero of the Erebonian Civil War and Class VII's instructor, Rean Schwarzer, has gone missing. Now, the students of Class VII, old and new, must unite with heroes from all over the continent to create the only chance the world has to be spared from total destruction.
- Prepare for the end of a saga by preordering the Frontline Edition...and fight for a brighter future with the Limited Edition!
Source: Official Press Release
Frontline Edition
Limited Edition

I already beat III so my body is oiled up and ready for IV!

Why did you need to oil up though? lol..