What You Need to Know:
- The official website for the upcoming Fall 2015 anime, Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen, released a new PV yesterday.
- The video introduces several characters and some of their skills.
- The anime will premiere in Japan in October.
- You can discover the main characters and cast below.
Main Characters & Cast
Keiji Fujiwara as Haku
Risa Taneda as Kuon
Ai Kakuma as Rurutie
Inori Minase as Nekone
Kentarou Tone as Ukon
Yumi Hara as Atui
Nozomi Yamamoto as Nosuri
Takahiro Sakurai as Ougi
Source: Utawarerumono
I'd like to have a tail like some of those characters!
Bee-kun... You would look ridiculous with one...
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