At the very end of September 13th’s Nintendo Direct, the long-awaited third trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 (now titled “Tears of the Kingdom”) finally dropped. It was just as cryptic as usual, but with the snippets of new information we now have, let’s get some predictions going! Here’s what we think will happen in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
1. The Creature in the Carving Will Give Link His Magic Arm

Near the beginning of the trailer, we can see an ancient carving depicting some massive creature that seems to be guarding seven magical stones. Its horns look a bit like the Lord of the Mountain or even a Blupee, so we think it’s a benevolent deity of some kind that opposes Ganon. Its arms, as well as the ethereal blue color of the Lord of the Mountain, also resemble the disembodied arm from the previous trailers that’s holding the husk of Ganondorf in place and eventually passes its own power to Link. If we had to guess, we’d say that this creature in the carving is the owner of that arm, and that Link will have to collect the stones to summon its full form once more.
2. Link and Zelda Will Be Equally Important

On that same mural, we can also see a carving that shows a princess joining hands with someone else, presumably a chosen warrior. Since Link and Zelda have been shown in previous trailers to be traveling together, we think this means that both of them will be equally important to completing this game’s quest. Only Link has been shown to be playable so far, but we hope that we’ll finally get to play as Zelda, too. If that’s too much to ask, though, we’ll also accept if Zelda is Link’s companion who helps him along the way (a la Spirit Tracks). The Breath of the Wild incarnation of Zelda is an interesting character who we’d love to see more of, so let’s cross our fingers that that comes true!
3. We’ll Learn More About the Zonai and Other Ancient Cultures

The Zonai are a prehistoric people in the Breath of the Wild universe whose vestiges can be seen in the Zonai Ruins of Faron Woods, as well as in the barbarian armor set that rests there. The cave Link and Zelda are exploring in the first trailer features the Zonai’s signature spiral symbol and dragon carvings all over the walls, and more dragons of a similar style decorate the giant doors Link pushes open in this new trailer. Now that the sequel has come around, maybe we’ll get some expanded lore on this mysterious culture and other ancient peoples who lived in Hyrule long ago.
4. The Sky Exploration Will Be Designed to Correct Skyward Sword

Do you remember the insane hype around Skyward Sword before it came out back in 2011? The promotional materials promised a beautiful sky that Link could leap into and explore to his heart’s content. As we all know, that sky ended up being frustrating to traverse, devoid of much meaningful content, and even a bit ugly, but we still wish it had lived up its claims. This most recent trailer for Tears of the Kingdom seems to be saying, “Look at all of these cool things we can do with the sky in this game! Climbing the sides of floating islands, stone elevators, a full-on glider... it won’t be like Skyward Sword this time!” And since Breath of the Wild was already so amazing, we actually believe them!
5. The Second-Generation Champions Will Get More to Do

This prediction isn’t really based on anything the trailers have given us, but we’d love to see it happen anyway. The second-generation Champions – Sidon, Yunobo, Teba, and Riju – didn’t get as much screentime as their ancestors did in the first game. They’re all well-written characters who have their own personalities and goals, so we hope they get more to do in Tears of the Kingdom. Since they’re all so different, it would be hilarious to see them attempt to work together as a team to protect Link and Zelda on their journey. They got to help out somewhat in the Age of Calamity spinoff, but we want to see them do more in the main installments, too!
Final Thoughts
So those are our crystal ball predictions for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, based on the most recent trailer and other supplemental materials. But what do you think will happen? Do you think our predictions are way off? Let us know in the comments, and thanks so much for reading!
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