What You Need to Know:
- Umaru-chan is the main character in the Summer 2015 anime Himouto! Umaru-chan, currently airing. When at home, she takes on a much different appearance as she typically curls up into her hood... thingy...
- There are now some images depicting an Umaru-chan bean-bag cushion. According to the images released, it appears as though it is roughly life-size!
- You can buy it on Amazon Japan, although it isn't slated for release until October 25th of this year.
The dimensions are 40cm x 32cm x 32cm (15.7 x 12.6 x 12.6 inches).
The person in this picture is 160 cm (~5 feet, 3 inches) tall.
Source: YusaAni
Reactions Around the Web
"I love stuffed toys more than figures!"
"It's so cute... I want it too!"
"When I'm angry, I can just hit- I mean, hug it!"

This could be my new bed!

Only after I get one for myself!
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