What You Need to Know:
- Anime Japan, one of Japan's most prestigious events pertaining to all things otaku culture, is facing the risk of cancellation due to the current Novel Corona Virus outbreak that's effecting everyone in the community. In our previous post we mentioned the episode 7 delay of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T due to the Corona Virus, and now right behind it is Anime Japan 2020, which could deal a huge blow to the event if it does indeed go the cancellation route.
- We pray of course the latter doesn't happen and that the proper precautions by attendees are carefully considered, as laid out by Anime Japan staff, but at this point in time it's hard to gauge the risk. Next month is literally only a few weeks away and with fans all around the world itching to make their way to Japan to take part in the event, we can only assume that things will move forward as planned. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on this as the situation unfolds, but for now please refer to the official tweet made by Anime Japan to get a full explanation of the situation.

Man, this virus is really trying to spoil the fun huh?

I hope everyone stays safe and follows the rules!