- Mangaka : Katou, Kazue
- Publisher : Shonen Jump
- Genre : Action, Adventure, Shounen, Demons, Drama, Fantasy, School, Supernatural
- Published : August 2, 2019
Contains Spoilers
Discussion Time
We doubted Yukio for a second and yet he once more shows why he’s indeed Rin’s brother. In chapter 113 of Ao no Exorcist, the test to destroy humanity and summon Lucifer begins with Yukio watching in a panic as he learns of the fate of humanity. Just as the test commences, Yukio reveals a surprise he had in store. According to our exorcist, only last year he was invited to a senior meeting in the Vatican. While that might seem a moot point to a man joining the Illuminati he then reveals a plan to counteract anything the Illuminati might have in store. This comes in the form of making a pact with Vayu and Indra who suddenly appear at Yukio’s side! If at any point the signee—in this case Yukio—was to break his pact they would appear and be forced to obey their master who is Lightning. Realizing that Yukio would do right, Lightning clearly made Yukio the one in charge and his first command is to destroy the airship! Clearly our Illuminati threat didn’t expect this outcome and the scramble to save the ship commences! Outside of the airship we join Miwa discussing Rin’s sword with Osho when a sudden Mephisto appears! Miwa who is concerned about Rin and wishes to deliver his sword back to him is offered a shortcut to meet him—that should be interesting—and our little exorcist jumps in without a moment’s hesitation. Our chapter ends after a few more panels with Yukio armed with his new guns standing ready to begin a showdown with the Illuminati. After this big 35-page chapter, we once more will need to wait a month for more Ao no Exorcist but that just gives us time to process what will happen next and discuss the things we loved about chapter 113!

1. Yukio’s Plan
Ao no Exorcist has surprised us numerous times in the past, but this was one surprise we didn’t see coming! Yukio armed with two powerful familiar should lead to a giant battle that could be one of the biggest we’ve seen from this series yet! Lightning and the other exorcist now also know where Yukio is thanks to the familiars being summoned which means they might join in on the grand battle! We can’t wait to see what chapter 114 has in store for us.
2. Is Rin Coming Back!?
Let’s be real, Rin has been MIA for a bit in Ao no Exorcist since he’s begun his trials. With the sudden appearance of Miwa and Mephisto, maybe Rin will return to the spotlight in time to help his brother against the Illuminati. We can only hope Miwa will help Rin by returning his blade and the duo can help Yukio in turn. We think Yukio will need the assistance!
Final Thoughts
Ao no Exorcist 113 was an amazing chapter filled with surprises left and right! Rin might return to the limelight, Yukio’s surprise plan has begun and Lightning’s crew knows where he is now. This month long wait for chapter 114 is going to be rough, but this chapter makes up for it by being awesome! What did you readers think of chapter 113 of Ao no Exorcist? Tell us below and for all your manga review needs, be sure to keep coming back to us here at Honey’s Anime!