- Mangaka : Katou, Kazue
- Publisher : Shonen Jump
- Genre : Action, Adventure, Shounen, Demons, Drama, Fantasy, School, Supernatural
- Published : September 3, 2019
Contains Spoilers
Discussion Time
With another month’s passing, we have gained yet another chapter in the Ao no Exorcist series! Chapter 114 surprised us here at Honey’s Anime by bringing back an old face, Shemi! Our cute Shemi has been taken to a strange—but gorgeous—place called by many names but specifically the Garden of Amahara. With no memory of this place, Shemi still feels a strange similarity to Amahara but isn’t given much time to scope out the location. Taken by various housemaids and servants Shemi is dressed for the ritual of purification and during this set up meets another rather odd fellow. Jermiah Uzai—director of the Grigori Agency—appears to Shemi and promises her she will be retrained in the proper ways much to Shemi’s fears. After her set up is completed Shemi finally gets a bit of time to herself where she ends up running into RIN!!! Unfortunately, Rin is in an almost dreamlike state but clearly is suffering. Shemi reminds Rin that he and Yukio are both incredibly important to her and that no matter what she will be there to support them both! As much as we’d wish she’d choose between Yukio or Rin—as her wishy-washy attitude infuriates many fans including us—this pep talk got Rin back to his feet and allowed him to continue the trial! Rin has finally made it back to the past to the night of his birth, the aptly titled “Blue Night”. What will Rin do in this next trial? We shall find out October 3rd! As we wait, let us break down our favorite moments from this chapter and why you need to read it ASAP!

Ao no Exorcist has seemingly forgotten about Shemi these last several chapters, however we haven’t, and we’re sure her adoring fans haven’t either! Shemi has returned and now is facing her own strange trial as she’s been taken to the Garden of Amahara! Fate seems to have had this in store for her though as she reunites—albeit briefly—with Rin and is able to give him an empowering speech. Rin is back in full force and now can face his next challenge…
2. The Blue Night
Rin has returned to the past—magic is weird—and now is back just before his birth and subsequent mother’s death. Can Rin somehow alter this past event? Will he maybe save his mother or at the very least save his future father Satan? A lot of questions we can chew on, yet we do know that chapter 114 has given us a truly epic cliffhanger to enjoy.
Final Thoughts
Ao no Exorcist 114 bought back Rin and Shemi making us—and probably thousands of other fans—very happy. Shemi and Rin both have some challenges to endure as they deal with strange events going on around them! Yet, with their brief reunion both exorcists have given each other so much needed hope and we’re sure that will invigorate them just enough to face their problems head on! Next month will be here before we know it so we ask you, fans of Ao no Exorcist out there, this simple question. Are you enjoying the series—and our reviews—so far? Comment below to let us know! For even more manga/anime reviews, keep stuck to our beautiful hive here at Honey’s Anime!