The Danganronpa video game series has a similar plot setup for each of the three main games: sixteen teenagers are kidnapped and forced to participate i...
ReadmoreHaven’t you ever wanted to escape from the boring world around you? Isekai is a great way to watch how it would unfold. There is...
ReadmoreWhile not everyone’s cup of tea, video games with darker stories tend to become critically acclaimed best sellers. This is probably because the darkness...
ReadmoreVideo games that contain good level design are bountiful, but great level design is rare indeed. But what exactly is level design? In this article, leve...
ReadmoreRevolving around a freshman named Aoyama, Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun provides a comedic look at how an extreme germaphobe can still play a contact sport like...
ReadmoreKeppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun is a comedic sports anime following the life of Aoyama, an extremely germaphobic freshman at Fujimi High School. He plays as a ...
ReadmoreWhen the threat of death is nearest, people show their true nature. And when your whole class has death just lurking around the corner, you’ll soon start to see...
ReadmoreOver the years, scripts in video games have become more realistic; they have adapted to reflect the changes within our modern language. Profanity is muc...
ReadmoreA reboot discards any previously established story and instead, reuses the same characters in a retold, reimagined, or redesigned storyline. Sometimes, ...
ReadmoreHack and Slash is a genre of video game. Hacking and slashing wasn’t always about AAA titles and stunning animation; in fact, you might be surprised to kn...
ReadmoreIf you’re a hardcore gamer, you know how annoying it is when your favorite character gets nerfed. It’s just something that most gamers will experience a...
ReadmoreIf you have an addiction to Fantasy anime that you need to quench, Lord Marksman and Vanadis will really hit the spot. It takes ...