Summary of Event Anime Boston is a yearly event held in the luxurious Back Bay neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. It’s been a staple of the Eas...
ReadmoreHirohiko Araki is one of the most unique mangaka working today. His artistic style takes inspiration from classic Renaissance sculptures and fashion illus...
ReadmoreAfter the grand adventure that was Stardust Crusaders, the next few parts of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure veer off in different directions. They keep the same...
ReadmoreCompared to other long-running shounen series like Naruto or One Piece, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is... unusual. Its signature over-the-top style and decad...
ReadmoreEver since the reveal trailer on February 27, the internet has been abuzz with hopes and theories for the new generation 8 Pokémon games. We don’t know ma...
ReadmoreIn part 1, we laid out our preferred watch order for the main installments of the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. This time, we’ll be taking a closer loo...
Readmore23 years after Hirohiko Araki unleashed JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind upon an unsuspecting world, this magnificent mafia manga has made the...
ReadmoreFruits Basket is one of the most influential shoujo manga out there, especially to Westerners. The tankobans released by Tokyopop served as the introducti...
ReadmoreOne of the hottest trends in anime these days is to take a classic story from decades ago and reinterpret it for a modern audience. Shows like Parasyte: The Max...
ReadmoreDo you ever feel more attached to an anime’s villain than its main heroes? Sure, these characters are horrible people who cause no end of trouble for the pr...
ReadmoreNeon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most popular and influential anime of all time, and for good reason. Its striking animation and storyline that decon...
ReadmoreGay relationships in manga tend to be shallow and stereotypical, and that’s when they exist at all. Many of them seem to be written by authors with little...
ReadmoreSo you’ve finally bitten the bullet and decided to jump into that one anime that all of your friends have been begging you to watch. There’s only one prob...
ReadmoreMost anime choose to take the safe and simple route to success. They choose characters, storylines, and art styles that don’t rock the boat, but have st...
ReadmoreThey may not have as much screentime or recognition as the main heroes, but the best supporting characters in an anime can leave just as big of an impac...
ReadmoreWouldn’t it be amazing to draw the dynamic characters that you see in your favorite manga? To be able to bring your own ideas to life in a style you’ve lo...
ReadmoreWhen we follow an anime all the way through to the end, we want the last few episodes to have an impact. Rather than just petering out or leaving importan...
ReadmoreVideo games are such a highly interactive medium that a well-written love story can make us feel like we’re actually part of it. We spend so much time with th...
ReadmoreEven though we mostly watch anime in Japanese, the emotional core of the show can break through the linguistic and cultural barriers to hit us right in our hear...
ReadmoreAnime is full of twists and turns, always surprising us with a new revelation or character reveal. And since 2018 was such a fantastic year for anime, it’s no...
ReadmoreThere was so much amazing anime in 2018 that no one can blame you for not being able to make time for every show worth watching. That said, we’re going to...
ReadmoreIf you read enough manga, you’ll begin to see patterns in how artists draw their characters and worlds. But where did the big eyes, spiky hair, and everyt...
ReadmoreSo you want to create your own manga but don’t know how to put your ideas on paper? You’ve come to the right place! We’ll give you a short overview of how...
ReadmoreWe love seeing fresh and original stories burst onto the anime scene, but it’s just as important to celebrate the classics. However, the unrelenting march...
ReadmoreDavid Productions, which produces the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime adaptation, is filled to the brim with people who care deeply about the manga’s...
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