![pokemon_red_green_blue_yellow_eshop-560x315 BEST Original Kanto Starter [Japan Poll]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/pokemon_red_green_blue_yellow_eshop-560x315.png)
What You Need to Know:
- Ahh the first generation of Pokemon Games. It was like yesterday. You stop watching TV, put on your hat, grab that potion that was hidden in the PC Item box, say bye to your mom, and set out for some tall grass... till that crazy old Professor Oak came out and told you needed a pokemon and well... the rest is history!
- With the advent of the original four games being re-released for the 3DS as digial downloads, it was only a matter of time until Japanese people were polled asking which starter was their favorite.
- The results make bee-kun and honey-chan surprised, but check them out and the user's reasons for yourself!
3. Bulbasaur
2. Squirtle
1. Charmander
Source: Hachima Kikou
Reactions Around the Web
I chose Charmander and my older brother always chose Bulbasaur!
I wanted Charmander but I knew that last gym would be impossible with him...
Squirtle for sure every time...
Green is the best color so I always chose Bulbasaur.
I've always liked water types...
![pokemon_red_green_blue_yellow_eshop-560x315 BEST Original Kanto Starter [Japan Poll]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/bee-cry1.jpg)
Run for the hills Honey-chan! All those charmander will make us faint in an instant!
![pokemon_red_green_blue_yellow_eshop-560x315 BEST Original Kanto Starter [Japan Poll]](https://honeysanime.com/wp-content/uploads/img-common/icon-ha-characters/honey-detective.jpg)
It's okay bee-kun! We just need a Torterra on our team! An Earthquake will knock them back a bit! Hmm or maybe a Sharp Edge attack...
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