What You Need to Know:
- Zero no Tsukaima is coming to an end! The beloved series that can be enjoyed as a light novel or anime has been confirmed to be ending.
- It has been rumored for a while that this series was approaching completion, but it turns out that Zero no Tsukaima will officially be considered finished with the release of the 22nd Volume.
- When does it come out? February 24th, 2017. Just a week after the SAO movie will supposedly be released, Zero no Tsukaima will be coming to a complete and final conclusion. Fans are in despair and yet happy at the same time. Happy tears? What are your thoughts?

Source: *** Source Name ***
Reactions Around the Web
Oh wow... it really is going to be completed.
The finale has been decided eh? I see. It really is the end huh?
I am so happy that this will be coming to completion.
I am so happy and sad at the same time.
Is Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu next to end?

This is so incredibly sad. I cannot believe that this series is going to be coming to an end.

Bee-kun this is actually a happy thing. This was the author's wish when they died in 2013. It's a happy occasion because the story was able to be completed.
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